Sunday, July 5, 2009


One block from the milestone around the bend in the left turn from the right corner, oh yeah thats the one, is where you can find the correct path to get just what you want. its what you think it is but its not my biz. Just ask Liz. She said so.

So anyway, if you were to go to this place right in between mississippi and georgia(and florida), south of tennesse, then you would get to allardbama. Its got auto-mobile, burningham, montyummery, and pawburn. Allardbama has Golf chores for the hard workers to relax at the beach after a long week. Thats right it also has Hunter Landry!!! We have the good ole song Sweet Phone Allardbama which is about slavery and texting whilst driving. Gotta love Learned Skinner. Just plug in your Eyepod and drink a nice refreshing glass of Tea. If your pack of dogs Shit all over your rug again then just get some of our very own candles. And yes its glade.

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