Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The orchestra of wednesday

one fine wednesday...
there were two lil chilies (boys) who had to help i tiny child and his family move into his new house. One of there parents made them help so they did it. For many hours they moved boxes from the truck to the house following the vigorous orders from the parents of the tiny child. They were beaten and whipped til they could not judge whether they were still breathing. looking back they knew they would one day avenge their pain.

So that night they snuck back to that house and slipped lunesta into their tea time alchohol. they were completely knocked out. They then reloaded the truck and switched out the stuff with very rich people stuff and snuck it all back. when they awoke they were aghast!!!

the childro's never knew how they reacted but knew that they had definately avenged their enslavery. they turned on their strobe light and raved to songs from pokemon.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


One block from the milestone around the bend in the left turn from the right corner, oh yeah thats the one, is where you can find the correct path to get just what you want. its what you think it is but its not my biz. Just ask Liz. She said so.

So anyway, if you were to go to this place right in between mississippi and georgia(and florida), south of tennesse, then you would get to allardbama. Its got auto-mobile, burningham, montyummery, and pawburn. Allardbama has Golf chores for the hard workers to relax at the beach after a long week. Thats right it also has Hunter Landry!!! We have the good ole song Sweet Phone Allardbama which is about slavery and texting whilst driving. Gotta love Learned Skinner. Just plug in your Eyepod and drink a nice refreshing glass of Tea. If your pack of dogs Shit all over your rug again then just get some of our very own candles. And yes its glade.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

mail sailing

One day there was a boat. It was made to sail at the speed of light!!! the light it cast of its bow matched no others. It truly was the speediest demon out there. Man the men that navigated it through the current really strutted there stuff has the wind puffed and huffed. The number one skipper, pamp, was quicker than the rest. Then broseph and speedracer sat atop the bow. They would watch the avitar show to bend the air into the sail to GO AT BLAZING SPEEDS!!!!!! Seabisquit was the quickest seaman in the land and could switch the jibs while telling no fibs. jaykuup and jawsh hiked without any boots at all and they were good. but before any of there sailing could take place... madame storm came and they could not boat :(

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Gravity is the number one killer of people in the whole world. Gravity is pretty much the force, or one of the forces, that could kill people. Well now that i think of it, it really doesn't kill people. You probably don't get a heart attack from gravity, or car crash, or get shot. But still, its dangerous stuff. I beat the LHC... this is your answer to understanding gravity.

Gravity is a force that all matter contains. The mass of the object relates to the amount of gravity it has. Whenever an object goes to church, it is surrounded by more congregators. The more congregators, the more at the mass. So, the more objects that are present at the mass, the more gravity. It just so happens that earth has alot of masses, and alot of gravity. Back in Jesus' day there was not as much gravity, there were less fat people and therefore less gravity and more importantly fewer masses. Jesus was a revolutionary in not just theology, but also gravitology. He worked in his powerful message of God with the power of gravity. He knew that if he created a motive for masses, than there would be more mass of the earth. So he created a system where people go to mass.

Since then we have had many more masses than just sabbath with more people who know about it. The population has therefor grown larger because more is pulling them down. One day the earth will get so fat (heavy) that it will fall into the bottom of the universe which is actually a bird factory.

Answers in the back

Reader Beware-

This short section is about the description of the blog. The purpose is to give people the cheats to life, also known as the answers in the back of the book (may have been written by J.K. Rowling). This URL holds the key to your new Mercedes Benz of meaning, the Lamborghini of Life, Nissan 350Z of Knowledge, and all the power needed to run 'em. If you are a weary straggler of the web, then you can rest your mouse finger and let you eyes do the workin'. Here at Answers in the Back we're here to help you.

Answers in the Back is dumb to repeat so we will call it A-n-da-B or AB. They are all super cool names i'm sure you would know. This is also a trash can of the head editor's brain waste which is shot out at spontaneous moments that fuel your pool. If you think this is a cooperation... than... uh, cool.

btw: p.s. is replaced by btw in these posts