Monday, March 19, 2012

School Activities: Cherota's Class 19 March 2012

This is the second installment of that which is discussed at us learning students in Mr. Cherota's class.

1. "Virtual Water"
2. Cows drink alot of water
3. 2,800 gallons of water are needed to make one pair of jeans
4. Put away our computers (he told us to)
5. Berries and Plants don't use alot of water.
6. Cows are bad, because its meat has fat...
7. We need to eat more shitty grains
*He rearranged the seating chart. Yeah we got assigned seats.*
8. Biomes
9. Learn how to use a table of contens
10. Dead Zones are considered a Biome... (That literally means nothing)
*Another Sidetracking of thoughts*
11. We're losing freshwater
12. Old people's skin is literally eaten by fungus while they are still alive
13. The Gasification of Coal
14. Between Mississippi and Pennsylvania is alot of coal.
15. Tsunamis pushed seaweed into mountains and got smashed to make alot of coal.
16. Burning Plastic is bad
17. Louisiana is being eaten by oil drills
18. Our book has a bad glossary
19. Bituminous Coal is soft
20. Don't go to Los Angeles
21. Some oil may have fallen from the sky
22. Fossil Fuel Comets
23. Do fill in and multiple choice for ch.31

School Activities: Cherota's Class 15 March 2012

This is a new section of my life where I list all the topics of Mr. Cherota's Aimless rantings and what it is that he is talking about throughout a class period.

1. Natural Resources
2. Pollution
3. Volume of the Atmosphere
4. Composition of the air in the Atmosphere
5. Something About how the hell people might have been able to be giants because of less UV radiation
6. Dinosaurs
7. Giants and Cyclopes (Cyclopsi? [plural Cyclops])
8. Some women named Adrienne Mayor
9. Griffins
*At this specific point Mr. Cherota's brain killed itself and made its way to this:*
10. Car Engine Efficiency
11. Using Platinum and Silver in Cars
12. Making Mouthwash out Silver (Colloidal Silver)
13. Immune System
14. Vitamins
15. Vitamin Deficiency in Teens
16. Nutrition
17. Protein
18. Amino Acids battle cancer
19. Apples and Cyanide
20. Do Vocab chapter 31

Monday, January 23, 2012

Some Graphical Data: Girls at SSC

As many humans at the establishment of "St. Stanislaus College" know, there is quite a depravity of female creatures from the population of those present in the building. This graph shows the difference between the actual attractiveness, apparent attractiveness, and the number of people looking at said women while at ssc and not. Its a good one.

Yeah my handwriting blows. The bottom says "not at SSC," "arrives at SSC," "time spent at SSC," and "leaves SSC." Notice how all three lines go to zero at the bottom.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

School Activities: Questions asked of Coach Logan

1. Are you going to vote for Obama (pronounced "O-bama")?

2. When you were our age, what was your plan for your life?

3. Do you sleep?
No (immediate response)

4. (on monday) Coach, can I take the vocab test today?

5. (Tuesday) Coach, can I take the vocab test today?

6. (Wednesday) Coach, can I take the vocab test today?
I told you, after school.

7. Coach, If Daniel, Nick, and I were to start a Chill Wave band would you join?
....*inward tssk**Flinch**shrug*.... i don't know.

8. (Coach's room smells like burning tires) Coach, what kind of candle is that?
*Shakes head**shrugs*

9. Coach, whats your favorite scene from Moulin Rouge?
I don't think I've seen that movie.

10. Coach, What did you do over the break?
....*Stares at computer**smirks a little**shrugs*... per-much (pretty much)

11. Coach, do you think every single answer to our huge business project is online somewhere?
... um *shrugs**bites lip**looks away*

12. Coach, who is your favorite magician?
.... um, Houdini

13. Coach, Do know know if any of the midgets from the Wizard of Oz are still alive?
... I don't know, I haven't been keeping up lately.

14. Coach, is that a permission form for a field trip?!?!
Yup, you wanna go? (immediate response)

15. Coach, can we build a Jacuzzi?
Sure (immediate response)

16. Coach, what is your favorite part of being Santa Clause?
.... *cringe*

17. Coach, whats your choice method of ingesting heroin?

18. Coach, when you go to college to get your entrepreneurship degree, what cool stuff happens?
Brennan Carter: You get laid.
Coach: *Nods**smirks*