Sunday, January 17, 2010

Voice log: day 4: Thursday Jan 7, 2010.

7:49- Thought it would be a good idea to take all the candle wax out of a candle jar and use it as a jar.
8:10- Charlie picks me up.
8:30- Arrive at school. Cameron asked if i had my recorder.
8:50- Jacob tells me and mikey to stop singing when he's trying to read.
9:59- Unscrewed the back of Mikey's desk.
10:06- Helped Mikey fix his desk.
10:14- Zack gives me a piece of paper.
10:48- Brother tells us he's never heard of "El Chupacabra" despite the fact he is from Costa Rica.
10:52- Succeeded in eating food with brother two feet away.
12:14- Ate tacos at lunch.
1:40- Found out i get to go home after school.
2:36- Pretended to throw up then i whistled the Nutcracker.
2:38- Said hey to David who i haven't talked to for a while.
2:40- Mrs. Hamm is our sub from history. Yes.
Daniel-" Successfully stole Thomas' Thingamabob".
3:06- Looked at pictures of cats on a cat forum with Daniel Kergosien.
3:37- stuck behind train and Charlie suggests recording things with my recorder.
4:03- Arrived home, made coffee.
4:38- Made Corn Muffins.
5:00- Watched CSI with Annette.
6:02- Called Mikey back.
6:12- Ate a Po-boy from Pirate's Cove.
6:43- Cleaned room.
6:55- Found out that the washing machine was never fixed by the Washing machine repair men.
7:11- Wasted time on Facebook.
7:32- Actually started Homework.
8:23- Listened to "A Prairie Home Companion" with Garrison Kieler.

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