Friday, August 5, 2011

Mid-West Adventures

*Play the song by Mongo Jerry about 'in the Summer Time'* (insert new lyrics that go as follows...

'In the Summer time, when the ladies are ripe,

You got women,

we got women,

I got women,

she's got women,

he's got women,

noone's women,

on your mind. '

Me and the fam are in wisconsin after chilling in Iowa. Wisconsin is much more depressing than Iowa. Grandpa has been living alone for two and a half years without grandma and just checked himself into a Nursing Home. Me, mom, dad, and bro are chillin in his house for the time being, fixing it up and such. Steve and I have explored the hither and thither of the area and most of the following has nothing to do with any of it.

Notes from the parents-

- Don't make jokes about Meth.

- There are only two seasons in the Mid-west (one when the roads are frozen and one when the roads are being fixed)

- 'Hey mom, can I write a book about how much I love you?' 'I don't care.'

- Thats all their advice for now.

Nursing Home Stats-

- Everything is in German.

-The Bird cage is practically a jail.

- All the birds in said bird cage are bred from scratch.

- M/MN have an Andy Dufresne Bird(the main dude from Shawshank redemption [in the bird cage/jail]).

- M/MN have been known as 'Cafe duele' (the nursing home [duele means 'it hurts' in spanch]).

- Grandpa does 'PT'. PT means physical therapy instead of physical training.

Other notes-

-All the way to the cousins' house, I will be unbehaved.

-All the way back, I will remain unbehaved.

- Buy it and Try it.

- *Kids ran in front of Mom at walmart to check out and realize they skipped* 'Oh sorry, you can go ahead.' 'Yeah, its no bid deal, we're only buying some gum.'

- Do more shark attacks happen during Shark Week?

- The dinky public library in Soldiers Grove, Wisconsin, has as many foreign DVD's as american movies. None of the videos are in any specific order at all.

- Listen to 'everlyn' by Someone Still loves You Boris Yelstin.