Friday, July 8, 2011


Codenames (of the Team [important to know])
mr. jay- Thad
Jesse- Lil Thad
Jacob- Bromulus
Mrs. Andrea- Mother Lady
Mr. David- Father Guy
Dylan- Zillard

*This is an account of my vacation to Panama City with my good friend jesse and his fam. It is poorly written.

Saturday, July 2nd
Team leaves from Thad's place. All are headin over, except father Guy cuz he has work. After lunch at KfC and a nice bath from the fag-clouds, we get to Horizon South Condo's to a dreary PCB (Panama City Beach). We set up camp in the close quarters of #72B. The Men (Thad, lil Thad, Bromulus, and myself) got a bunch of food from Winn dixie like champs and we made some hamburgers. Mother Lady's friends came over and we all went to the beach. All present adults partied hardy while the children had gay ass dance party.

Sunday, July 3rd
Feeling useful, I beat the crowd to the kitchen at the crack of eleven. Before other creatures could wake up, I actually made some eggs and a bum-load of coffee. After a fast-break (lol breakfast backwards), the team headed to the beach and explored the wonder of nice water complete with waves and people. Since noone actually did anything til after like one, It was already night when we came back from the beach. We wanted some delicious food so we set out to find 'finns' grill. seventeen miles and an hour later the team arives at a trailer labeled with our designation. Disappointed, the team settled for Mellow Mushroom. Father guy, mother lady's husband and Zillard's dad, showed up with much party supplies. He cooks well.

Monday, July 4th
Similar to the night previous, the team, now of seven, awoke late in the morning. Not much happened until night in which a typical florida fourth of July would happen. Bromulus , lil Thad, Zillard, and myself hit the town. We attempted to hit on girls, but we didn't remember that we are terrible at that until after the night's festivities. Bromulus, though, did steal the lips of a lil-lovely-lady. It was impressive.

Tuesday, July 5th
On this day, the team gathered on a State park in florida. We took an excurrsion to Shell Island and snorkled our way into oblivion. It was so neat that tiny pieces of shell imbedded themself into one's skin. That night was uneventful, and we pretty much just played pokemon.

Wednesday, July 6th
Today was Father Guy's last full day in the PCB, so we lived it up a bit. The men (team minus mother lady) rented jet ski's. lil Thad and I enjoyed the world of throtle and abused the laws of physics. it was neat. Since it was now night, and father guy had to leave the next night, we hit the town. lil Thad and I were designated to D.D. and drove the gang to Sharky's. This place, supposed to be fun, was simply a super restaurant with a bar and a playground. Seeing as we had already eaten, the only option was to play on the playground. Zillard is a boy of nine so that was normal. lil Thad, Bromulus, and I, on the other hand, bathed in self-pity, boredom, and our souls quickly killed themselves. When the night was darkest, adults imparededliest, and us boredest, I signed up for karoke. After a round of confidence juice was purchased for the performance, I sang 'Who let the dogs out' by the Ba-ha Men. never before has there been a worse song. Though the night thusfar was riddled with poo, Thad had forgotten his phone at Sharky's and bromulus and myself were promised 'rootbeer' if we went all the way back to retrieve it. After a good bit of fun later, the entire team played poker and much other crazy night time fun-ness was had. It was neat.

Thursday, July 7th
Today was Zillard's birthday and we went to the world's lamest water park. Gulfport's was cooler and cheaper. Everyone went, but Thad, and it was not quite as fun as one would have expected from a water park. Father Guy left and the children played tennis with some fifteen year-old girls. It was lame. Bromulus had removed his shirt due to the presence of heat and ladies. Lil Thad noticed his shirt on the bench at a specific point in time and the following conversation ensued between he and Zillard. 'Is that *Bromulus*'s shirt?' 'yeah dude. do you need to wipe your face, *lil Thad*?' 'NOOOOOO!' 'Well its not like he pooped in it.' We then played some poke-mon.

Friday, July 8th
Zillard and Mother lady watched the shuttle launch before ditching the team to go home to Baton rouge. The remaining creatures hit the town running. We ate at some pizza place, go-karted, starbucksed, super-cool-wonderworks-museum-ed, and ate brats. A litle after dark, Bromulus and I Went to Pier Park (the place to be [where the cool shit is]). We decided to purchase a bit of confidence/energy at starbucks before attempting to hit on ladies (similar circumstances applied as before). We still sucked and went to a popcorn place. THIS PLACE WAS LEGIT. They had like forty flavors of popcorn and bough a three foot bag of some. We carried it around like a cannon and people seemed to think we were neat. We got even more coffee and left.


(now we're gonna be in the future [as in none of this may be real])

It will continue to be friday night. I will complete this dumb, poorly written, un-proof read, self-esteemless, article. I will post it. It will exist. We will do something useless and embarassing like play pokemon. We may swim in the late night. It will be dumb.

Saturday, July 9th.
(This may actually be read on or after Saturday. Though these events may, or may not, have occurred, this will be written in the badass and ever-ambitious future tense.) The remaining team mates will do something chill like go to the beach. Bromulus and Myself will continue to wish we could hit on ladies, but will remember and realize its hopeless. We will clean up the shit around the condo. We will forget something. We will leave. We will get in a car wreck. We will escape unscathed and embark on an adventure just outside of mobile. dumb things may, or may not, occur and we may, or may not, do something considered productive or neat. We may, or may not, survive. I may, or may not, get home.