Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hannibal, Missouri to Iowa City, Iowa. Yay

Its Days Inn and Nights out for the Allard family. Or at least we have to wake up early to go to Iowa. Breakfast goodish, yogurt yumpo, and nothing to drink for the next three hundred miles. Stephen Comments: "Everything we did was as if we were skunks, vampires, and rodents... oh all that was true. *dueling squeals* Thats just a taste of what we can... wait what... Dude we can....everything? *squeals continue*... rehhhhhhhh."

We enter Iowa city hungry and coughing (mom was totally sick and sorta got us all sick and stuff). There's a river and some buildings and a gas station we went to and a sidewalk and now annette's apartment. Annette is greeted with half the heart we would ever preserve for anything less than her dog (we like her dog more than her). Trip to the shittiest walmart on eartho. Then we walked with the family and the dog (annette too i guess) and got foodzos and coffeezos.

We leave iowa city and go to a nice little town that our cousin saric (sarah and her husband eric along with their two kids) lives in. Aunt sally, her man, and grandpapapa are present. We all look at the dog then walk to a park. Mebro'n'phil (me, stephen, and phil-aunt sally's man) play frisbee. it was fun. First time i've seen half of these dudezoos in like three years. Go family. Stephen Comments: "Oh hey guys, i got the frisbee."Hooray

Team fourtress (me, mom, dad, and skuddlebro) return to iowa to annette's partmint and look at the dog. Stephen comments: " Uh i'm sitting behind mom. She's not the driver so you can figure out where that is."

5:25 landing in room 526 (coincidence?), its DAMN nice. Its a step up from the other places we stay but thats cuz theres some party goin down 2mro. MARIOT. Mebro hand out in the hotel lobby cuz mom and dad are soup slow then we leave.

In the top of the press box thing for hawkeyes rowing awards.
6:00 to 8:24- No textual account of ceremony. Time of two hours and twenty four minutes was secretly multiplied by three. In other words, that shit sucked.

Get to hotel, read, listen to music (dad's audible tendencies [snore galore]).

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pass Christian, MS to Hannibal, Missouri.

The team (family) wakes at 6:07 AM May 7, 2010, a Friday. They prepare for its journey to IOWA. Stephen's arbitrary remarks and words are carelessly disregarded by donkey dad and mumbly mom as the team drifts through the kitchen for food. The team leaves at six thirty.

Stopping at 9:26 for mcdonalds, 11:02 rest area, and burger kind at 2:06. St. Louis is 128 miles, during a prairie home companion st. louis is 113 miles, during an audio book st. louis is 85 miles, st. louis is 30 miles, and st. louis is now zero miles away. Destination is now 78 miles away, 42 miles away, and 9 miles away. Hannibal, Missouri.

The team gets to the hotel at 7:33. Stephen and I jump over the adjacent bushes and cones after 13 hours of driving. The team takes comial refuge (meal house) at the golden corral. It apparently doesn't serve juice during the day, but does serve the morbidly obese children of earth. The team joins those about to die of heart attack by eating the food there. It was yumpo. Touchdown in 306 at 8:05.